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Misti Marlatt ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Superstar Consultant

My Story

Hi! My name is Misti. I have two great kids, Kylie and Evan and  I have been married to my awesome husband for 20 years now. He works very hard as a helicopter pilot for the sheriff's dept so that I do not have to work outside the home. A very dear friend of mine was a scentsy consultant and got me hooked! Unfortunately, she passed away suddenly but I think of her often and I'm especially reminded of her when I see anything scentsy. I started selling Scentsy to support my own habit and I am proud to say I've been selling for over 10 years now and I am currently a Director. I love cooking, coupons, peloton, my dogs,
traveling, and of course SCENTSY!!!  Please feel free to contact me anytime! call or text 951-634-4179 LIVE LIFE LOUD!!! (love and miss you Leanna) <!--endbody-->  

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